10 Free spins at Maple Casino

1 Free Chance at Casino Classic


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
I got this email this morning. you Must download casino before the 13th.

"Dear Timothy

Happy Thanksgiving from Maple.

Come celebrate this day of thanks at Maple Casino and receive
10 Free Spins on our top slot: Kathmandu.
Terms & conditions apply
Offer valid on 13 October 2008 only
Offer available at Maple Casino only

This Canadian Thanksgiving only!

If you don’t have Maple Casino
Before 13 October 2008 to get your Free Spins

Happy holidays
Maple Casino"
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Reactions: 4 people
also Fortune Lounge Casinos have a canadian thanksgiving tourny going on. top prize $1200 i think 50 places are paid, free to enter. Good Luck.
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Reactions: 1 person

Folks, hurry up and download Maple Casino so you can get
the freespins on Monday, Oct. 13th. This was my very first Casino I ever
played at online

Visit Maple Casino​
You are a big winner!!!
Ok, im gonna check my account to.

Ever heard Marina's story???
She did find a few dimes in her account and cashed out a few K:nuts:​
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everyone contact livechat!!
I had a message that i had to contact live chat.
Check if you have this message to
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I contacted live chat.

We do apologize there is a little technical problem , please can you log into the Casino within a hour.
I bet they are getting overwhelmed with
everyone logging in.

Patience? rof​
Well I was the original poster of the 10 free spins, but I never received them even after contacting support a couple times. One said to try back in 3 hours if they werent there, so i conbtacted them again and said live chat is offline please contact us in 2-4 hours after the support guy Steve said hello and I posted that i haven't received them yet. I signed up last week and still haven't received the 100 free spins for new accounts either.
Can I get some feed back on this message I am planning on sending to them through the send mail button in the casino software so i know they received it. Any feedback would be great.

Hi I registered a credit card a few days back and sent an email to get the 100 free spins, but haven't received a response or the free spins.
Also I got an email for the Canadian Thanksgiving 10 free spins on Kathmando and haven't received them either I even talked to live support and they said contact us in 3 hours if the free spins weren't active yet. I tryed contacting again after the three hours but the live chat was offline for some reason.
I was planning on making a deposit soon but I can't seem to bring myself to deposit at a casino that offers me something to get me to play at their casino that doesn't care about my time to download and register a personal credit card and the time to contact support.
If their are technical problems I understand that, but i would appreciate a response to make me feel better about the casino and the support, and the management that makes the casinos reputation.
I will ask my contact today what problems they have there
I feel sorry for all those who have to wait that long,
but I can also see and understand the complications which can come up with such offers
this is a very technical software and 1 little mistake and the techs might search it for days.
Guys, I just got a response
this is was my contact says:

We are sitting with a huge backlog in transactions from
our Free Spins offer. We have been hammered with 200%
more requests on a daily basis than we anticipated.

We have pulled in another team to focus on getting these
free spins credited as quickly as possible.

Please everyone try to be patient and show some understanding
this is a very reputable group of Microgaming Casinos
and I know they working on it, and trying their best.

Thank you all

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