32 Red - Claim Your $32 Olympics Deposit Bonus

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Staff member
May 5, 2008

Claim Your $32 Olympics Deposit Bonus!

The 2008 Olympic games are now just around the corner;
athletes from around the world will be competing in no less than 28 sports
with the hope of winning one or more of the 302 gold medals on offer.

As a UK casino, 32 Red be fully supporting the British team.
32 Red be monitoring their progress and dishing out bonuses all month based on their success!
32 Red starting it all off with a fantastic $32 deposit bonus available on your next deposit:

> How to claim your bonus

Simply make a deposit of $32 into your casino account between now and the end of August
contact 32 Red via Live Chat, Email or Telephone before you start playing and
quote 'OLYMPICS' and 32 Red add a 100% Match Bonus to your account,
up to a maximum of $32.

Don't forget to support team Great Britain this year,
safe in the knowledge that you will be sharing their success
with fantastic offers all month at 32Red Casino.

Best wishes​
32Red Casino

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