Casino Extreme is proud to introduce their newest deposit promotion where depositing the lowest amount can make you a winner!
The Casino Extreme Lowest Unique Deposit is your chance to win ten times your deposit back in cash or to continue playing your favorite Casino Extreme game for more chances to win!
The Lowest Unique Deposit Promotion is an industry first and Casino Extreme is proud to offer you your chance to win up to 10x your deposit back in cash!
It's simple - Deposit between €100 and €200 from Thursday, 25 September 2008 to Tuesday, 30 September 2008
and should your deposit be the lowest unique deposit made you'll receive the sum of TEN TIMES your deposit made back in CASH.
The Casino Extreme Lowest Unique Deposit is your chance to win ten times your deposit back in cash or to continue playing your favorite Casino Extreme game for more chances to win!
The Lowest Unique Deposit Promotion is an industry first and Casino Extreme is proud to offer you your chance to win up to 10x your deposit back in cash!
It's simple - Deposit between €100 and €200 from Thursday, 25 September 2008 to Tuesday, 30 September 2008
and should your deposit be the lowest unique deposit made you'll receive the sum of TEN TIMES your deposit made back in CASH.