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May 5, 2008

Last Week's Answer: Ian Thorpe

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I worked as a waiter, a proofreader, a consultant in Japan and a director's assistant in New York City before becoming what I am best known for today.

I was offered the role of Private Ryan in the film Saving Private Ryan, but turned it down.

I speak French, Spanish and Japanese.

I once shared an apartment in New York with Drew Barrymore.

My father was an attorney for former president Jimmy Carter at one time.
I was considered for lead part in the movie Man on the Moon, with the studio finally deciding on Jim Carrey.

I did a voice over in 2007 for a Nike commercial and also a Miller beer commercial in 2006.

I shaved my head and gained 30 pounds of muscle in only 3 months for one of my hit movies.

I have a black flag tattoo on my upper back.

Enjoy this week's trivia and email your answer to
Emmah @ by Wednesday 13th August 2008.​

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