Earn Cash Back For Winning At 3rd Bullet Poker!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
Grottoes, Virginia, U.S.A.
What could be better than cash back when you lose? How about earning cash back when you win? That's right, at 3rd Bullet Poker, they want to reward you for excellent poker play! Earn up to $300 cash back with no restrictions on releasing the bonus by earning a certain amount of comp points like most rooms, every month while playing at 3rd Bullet Poker!

How do you earn cash back for winning?

Its pretty simple really. There is 4 steps of the VIP program at 3rd Bullet Poker, and if you are in one of the top 3 VIP levels you can earn cash back. The 4 levels of VIP players is as listed: Player, Grinder, Rounder, And Pro.Everyone begins at Player level, and depending on your play decides the next level of your VIP status.

Grinder VIP Status:

To earn Grinder status, simply earn 15-29 gold
chips{form of comp points} as you play for the month. The fastest
way of earning your chips is to play the awesome cash ring games
where you may also earn Gold Cards. At Grinder level, Receive 50% cash
back on anything above your total deposits up to $75 a month.

Rounder VIP Status:

To earn Rounder status, earn 30-99 gold chips
in one month, and you will be able to earn cash back of 50%
of your balence above your total deposits up to $150! Remember,
no earnout is required, and this amount will be deposited directly
into your account and available to play with immediately!

Pro VIP Status:

To earn Pro status, earn more than 100 gold chips a month
and you will be entitled to earn 50% over your total deposits
up to $300 every month you earn 100 gold chips. Also, Pro status
is so special, that if you win a seat into a WSOP or WPT tournament,
3rd Bullet Poker will also give you free luxury hotel accomadations.

Visit Third Bullet Poker Today​
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