Glad ur back

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
Ya, I tried to get to the forum today and NOTTIN.......glad ur back chickadees.​
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HI Mooley
yea we been off for hours but it was not my fault this time, lol
Our hosting company was off
There was a power outage at our data center today caused by a massive underground fire.
I am glad we are back
Now I need to check if all is working and nothing got lost, lol
Hugs Dear ;)
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I'm sure nothing was lost Marina, it was just something with their server. Culd have been tht one of their puters went down or something.....Sometimes it's maintenence but for a bunch of hours i doubt it. Could have been a router on the server that ur on too.
Just glad ur up now:kiss:
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thanks hon
yeah I am vey glad that we are back
i tell ya, I had a hard night
really had odd dreams, only about BP, lol
Man I could think of better things to dream about Hahaha like this for on him............hahahaha
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mmmm, yummie
Mooley - ya just made my day
thanks for that one
I will keep him, hahaha :D
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