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Jun 16, 2008
Howdy, Soar386 at your command Ladies and Gentleman. Ah, gambling. Nothing is known as best as Las Vegas, the sin city. That is where I, the new member, live at. Pleasure to find this forum and perhaps interact, and have some fun. Give some liveliness, and at the same time, gamble on one self to be at home and of course, fitted among other gamblers or explorers to find this new piece of drifted land, well used and formed to our standards. What a pleasure it is indeed. As each post is fitting, I shall see what I could do and be. Now, off to go, pleasure to meet you all. :)

With love,

Soar386. :apple:
This Has To Be The Best 1st Post From Any New Member I Have Seen In A Long Time!

Welcome Aboard My Friend, And As A Fellow Gambler, If You Knew The Odds Of You Finding Us{The Best Gambling Forum In The World}.

This Is Like Hitting A Big Jackpot Or Lottery, Or Better Yet

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I'm Sure You Will Have A Great Time Here! The Staff Is Top Notch, The Members Are The Coolest, And Our Sponsors Are the Most Generous!

:pGlad You Have Found Paradise!!:p
:thank you:​
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Welcome Soar386
Many thanks for your nice post
its a pleasure to have you here.
Please make yourself feel home and do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you would like to know or need help.​
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Thank you for your welcomings from all, I really appreciate them. I feel right at home already just by looking around. I hope you do not mind some of my posts, for I am enjoying myself and one of my greater things to do is write. Thank you very much. I find your post humorous as well, sir or madam Dmoney644. :) Thank you once more and I shall make myself right at home.
Soar386, you made my evening. A fellow gambler with a pen at hand.
Your words are whimisical and thoughtful. Sin city you rest your soul?
But where is your heart? I truly look forward to
your posts. I know it will be great reading.

Welcome to Bonus Paradise. We hope you find a "home" here
and greatly appreciate your input. Questions? Just ask away.
We are here for our members.​
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Thank you for your welcomings from all, I really appreciate them. I feel right at home already just by looking around. I hope you do not mind some of my posts, for I am enjoying myself and one of my greater things to do is write. Thank you very much. I find your post humorous as well, sir or madam Dmoney644. :) Thank you once more and I shall make myself right at home.

You Are Quite Welcome My Friend, And If You Would Like To Call Me Sir, That Is Fine, But Most Prefer To Just Call Me

" D "


I Really Have Enjoyed Your Well Written Posts. They Way You Have With Your Words Is Beautiful!

I Hope To See You For Many Months Or Years To Come, Enjoying The Friendliest And Greatest Forum Online!!​
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