Monthly Poker Lessons:

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again d bruv,
if you need any help with this m8 im eager to lend a hand to make the forum a better poker place m8 just gimmy a shout if im needed m8 and il be there,
great work m8 i look forward to it as iv seen a number of people's posts waiting for these lessons so good work m8:winner:
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Weekly poker lessons are not needed to learn how to play the game of Poker. It seems like nothing more than a scam (kidding lol) The basics are easy and can be taught in minutes, and the rest comes from playing with friends and experience. No lessons should ever be bought though (in case someone was thinking about it).

A discussion of the game is always good, but lessons do not seem like the thing to help.
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Evidently, you have never played poker with our dear kotsy! rof
and no worries, these lessons are gonna be free for anyone who wants to read.

1st lesson will be basics of poker and how texas hold'em is played.

and then alot of my next lessons will be stratagies and and simple tips i use to be a somewhat successful poker player online.

There are some people who might need a few tips now and then, to become a better poker player, but i agree, experience of playing the game of poker is best way to learn, but also can be very costly for a while as well. Some tips will help beginner players understand a few things before or as the are learning.

So Be Sure To Check Out The Lesson Or Tip Of The Month, Coming Very Soon!​

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