Poker Heaven Is Rewarding There Loyal Players With VIP Gifts!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
Grottoes, Virginia, U.S.A.
Poker Heaven is is rewarding their loyal players with
loyalty VIP gifts in February! There are 2 awesome
gifts to choose from this month:

#1. Sony DVPFX720W - 7" Portable DVD Player.

(to earn this reward, rake $5000 in February to be able to chose.)

#2. Nintendo DS.

(to earn this reward, rake $2500 in February to be albe to chose.)

To Claim Your Gift:

Play poker and rake at least €5000 (gift 1) or €2500 (gift 2) during February.

Send an email to [email protected] with subject: Claim VIP gift – DVD Player” or “Claim VIP gift – Nintendo DS”.

Your gift will be delivered to your registered Poker Heaven account address before 31st of March.​

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