Talk about total baloney! I will never ever deposit there! what crappy service and runaround city! This guy was just full of lip service! I have attached the screenshot above showing my loyalty points!
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All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with 'Clayton'
Clayton: Welcome to the Casino Support Desk. How can I help you?
diane: xxxxxx is my acct no..i wanted to combine all my loyalty points into maple from all my accts. i have accts with all of your casinos. thanks! di
diane: hi clayton!
Clayton: Please be advised that this is automatically done by the system Diane.
diane: ? to combine all the accts loyalty to one?
diane: casino acct?
Clayton: It is automatically done. That is correct.
diane: i really dont understand. i have loyalty points sitting in the other accts...and was told you have to request it.
diane: i have only 322 in maple
Clayton: One moment please.
diane: thanks
Clayton: all Loyalty accounts were reset to zero when the new Loyalty system was introduced.
Clayton: The 322 you have in Maple is most probably your combined accounts total aswell.
diane: how many do i have in us casino?
diane: i mean casino us?
Clayton: 0.00
diane: i just opened maple not that long ago
diane: when was this new loyalty introduced?
Clayton: Last week Monday.
diane: what happened to my loyalty points in casino us?
diane: and the others?
diane: i have accts at all of them
Clayton: All accounts accross the board were reset to zero.
diane: my maple wasnt
Clayton: That is your recent play Diane.
diane: ok. i thank you for your time.
Clayton: You're most welcome! Is there anything else I can assist you with?
diane: so because that was recent it wasnt reset?
Clayton: No, all accounts were reset, it your recent play that has earned you 322.0
diane: when did i play there recently?
diane: i thought it was longer than a week and a half ago.?
diane: maybe im wrong. ?
Clayton: It seems that your Maple Casio account is on zero aswell.
diane: i just checked it
diane: its not at 0 its at 322
diane: i just checked it 1 min ago
Clayton: Which casino s have you played at recently.
diane: maple
diane: is my most recent
diane: is maple at 0 or at 322?
Clayton: Maple casino is at 0.
diane: hows that?
diane: i just checked it
diane: it was at 322
diane: did you reset it to 0?
Clayton: One moment while I check my records please.
Clayton: No Diane, I am trying to locate which casino you will have 322 Loyalty points at however I cannot access the information.
diane: i just took a screenshot of the loyalty i have in maple
diane: as i didnt leave that screen
diane: it clearly says 322
Clayton: Then Diane, you have 32 Loyalty points at Maple.
Clayton: I unfortunately cannot access your Loyalty Points currently.
diane: im really not understanding now. how is it only 32?
Clayton: 322
diane: you said 0 now you say 32?
diane: it shows me 322
Clayton: Typo
diane: whats a typo? i
diane: in the casino software?
Clayton: A typing error on my part.
diane: ok.
Clayton: As I have stated, I do not have access to your Loyalty Points currently. If it shows that you have 322 Loyalty points currently, then that is what you have.
diane: so why do you say 32 and my screen says 322?
diane: im not really following
Clayton: Typing error
Clayton: 32
Clayton: 3622
Clayton: 322
Clayton: Typing errors Diane.
Clayton: My apologies.
Clayton: Is there anything else that I may assist you with?
diane: if you dont have access then why did you say it was at 0?
diane: no nothing else
diane: goodbye
Clayton: It has been a pleasure to assist. Please do not hesitate to contact us again with any queries you may have. Enjoy the rest of your day.