I Tried To Watch This, But Found It To Be Very Boring.
I only watched about 15 minutes of it before i jumped back on the computer.
The VP debate was definitely alot better than this one was.
OMG! I said the same thing all day at work. I fell asleep after the first 15 minutes. It was BORING!!! Now, the VP debate... that was a different story, watched every second!!! Did anyone see that skit on Saturday Night Live? Tina Fey does such an awesome Sara Palin!!
I expected Obama to have his coat off and be more personable.
What bugged me the most was both of them kept having their backs to
the camera. Maybe bad angle, but their campaign managers should have taking
that into account.
I Agree Kotsy, Plus I think
the new way they did it, i guess in a "forum" style
wasn't making it any better. i tried, but just could not do
watch anymore than i did, lol
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