I shouldn't even get started on this topic because i could go on forever. I whole heartedly believe the true words of my dear friend Vicki.
Stick to limits, gamble in moderation, and use as entertainment. But As A True Addicted Gambler, This Sometimes Id Hard For Them To Do. As Dogbites Said, It is a choice, that we as humans make.
Now, my opinion, the government should NEVER tell me that i can not gamble online or tell me how to spend my money the way i want, because i may hurt myself or others financially?BOLOGNA!
I'm Also A Smoker, Smoke At Least 1 Pack A Day, Mabye 2 at times.
Think about this, they say its hurtful for people to gamble, its a very bad thing right? bla bla bla. What about alcohol, cigarettes, guns? By using any of these, Statistics show, that they really do hurt peoplebesides other family. How many people DIE from smoking? How many people get lung cancer From 2nd hand smoke? How many people get killed in alcohol related vehicle crashes? How many people DIE from Drinking too much? How many people DIE from guns every day?
But yet, The government doesn't step in and ban these actions or products. You know why?Because they see billions of dollars in revenue or taxes from these products.The reason I think they want to outlaw online gambling? Because our govenment hasn't figured out a way to get their fair share of profit from online gambling.{period!}
You know what really burns my ass about this though? Not that i go to work And have to pay about 30% to the government for taxes, pay taxes on everything i buy, not the death tax, a tax people have to pay when they die{absurd!}, but the bother is this....
If gambling is SO BAD for me, That it hurts me and others around me, Its a terrible addiction, So bad that the government wants to tell me how to spend the rest of my hard earned money, then why is this.....
In my state of Virginia, the state in which i live, We have Billions of dollars spent every year on the STATE LOTTERY!
In my state, we have the pick 3, pick 4, cash 5, and the win for life lottery drawings EVERYDAY!Then we have the lotto south and the mega millions that are drawn 2 times a week. It used to be that the lottery was only drawn 6 days a week, no drawing on sunday. But they seen that adding sunday drawings could bring them even more money, so about 2 years ago, the added sunday to the lottery. Now there is a drawing every day of the week!{and they say gambling is bad for me?} also, not to mention, the scratch off lottery ticketsand there are stores that carry literally about 100 different kinds of lottery scratch off tickets!
The prices for these tickets? They have $1, $2, $5, $10, And $20 Scratchoff Tickets! also, They have invented 2 more games from the instant drawings machine, instant bingo and dodgeball. Bingo, It Prints A Ticket Out Like A Bingo Card, And Pre Drawn Numbers For You To Mark Your Card With. The Dodgeball Game Is Similar To That,Except The More Numbers You Miss The More You Win.
Now with ALL OF THIS SAID!{sorry this is so long, but this is a frustrating topic for me}
They ARE GONNA TELL ME THAT GAMBLING IS SOOOO BAADDDD FOR PEOPLE? There Are Billions Of Dollars Spent Every Year On The Lottery, And This Is Just My State! And They Are Gonna Say Gambling Is Bad For Me And Tell Me That I Can't Gamble Online? Total Crock Of BULL!!!
This Is So Hippocritical, That Its Not Even Funny! So , Really, Don't Say That Gambling Is Bad For Me And Others Around Me, Just Tell Me.....